Call to Prayer - July 13, 2020

Author: The Rev. Elizabeth McCord

Published Date: 7/13/2020

Categories: Social Spiritual Life

In difficult and uncertain times, many of us find courage by leaning into our faith. Each week, I’ll invite any of you who wish to join me in spiritual reflection. I’ll provide a written prayer, but I hope each of you will use the words, rituals or practices most meaningful and authentic for you. Please contact me if you’d like to share specific prayer requests or just check in at You and your loved ones are in my prayers every day.

This Week's Prayer

Elizabeth McCord
The Rev. Elizabeth McCord
As each week passes, we come closer to the return of students. I, for one, am so overwhelmed with details and logistics that I often forget the joy and purpose I find in working with the students themselves. We at Carroll are busy making plans; so are our students. We are anxious about what is ahead; so are our students. We are seeking guidance, wisdom, surety, and peace; so are our students. This week, if you are willing, join me in praying for our students—not for the plans we must make or the problems yet to be solved—but for the students themselves.
God of longing and learning hearts,
       we pray for our students.
Worried, adrift, afraid and uncertain,
       they are coming.
Excited, carefree, energetic and willing,
       they are coming.
Confident or unsure, ready or reluctant,
       they are coming.
Prepare them for the transitions ahead.
       Give them courage and patience for an unsettled semester.
       Give them wisdom and self-awareness in the choices they make now.
Stretch them, making room for new growth—
       for new challenges, new ideas, new encounters.
And ready us to receive them—
       the people they are,
       the burdens they carry,
       the joys they bring.
Illuminate these summer days of preparation,
       restoring within us a spirit of creativity, positivity, energy and purpose.

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